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Abstract and Figures

In Executive Order 13112 “Invasive Species”, an alien species is defined as one “that is not native” to a particular ecosystem. In North America today, there are nearly 100 alien bird species with self-sustaining populations. These include numerous game birds (primarily gallinaceous birds) and escaped pet birds (primarily psittacine species). Others, such as house sparrows (Passer domesticus), European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), and mute swan (Cygnus olor), were originally introduced for aesthetic reasons or to control agricultural insect pests. The establishment of alien bird populations through purposeful or accidental introductions has resulted in numerous problems including crop damage, transmission of disease, adverse impacts to native species, and aircraft safety concerns. The estimated cost associated with alien bird species in North America approaches $2 billion annually. Although many alien bird species apparently cause minimal or no harm, others are considered persistent and destructive pest species. The challenge for wildlife managers often is one of public opinion and education rather than identifying effective management and control strategies. For many bird damage situations, techniques currently exist for addressing the specific problem, and ongoing research is providing new tools. Many times, however, the will of the public overrides the scientific and economic need to manage aggressively to reduce detrimental alien bird populations. Specific examples of this dilemma for wildlife managers are provided by case studies featuring monk parakeets (Myiopsitta monachus), and mute swan.
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MICHAEL L. AVERY, USDA, APHIS, Wildlife Services, National Wildlife Research Center,
Gainesville, FL, USA
ERIC A. TILLMAN, USDA, APHIS, Wildlife Services, National Wildlife Research Center,
Gainesville, FL, USA
Abstract: In Executive Order 13112 “Invasive Species”, an alien species is defined as one “that
is not native” to a particular ecosystem. In North America today, there are nearly 100 alien bird
species with self-sustaining populations. These include numerous game birds (primarily
gallinaceous birds) and escaped pet birds (primarily psittacine species). Others, such as house
sparrows (Passer domesticus), European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), and mute swan (Cygnus
olor), were originally introduced for aesthetic reasons or to control agricultural insect pests. The
establishment of alien bird populations through purposeful or accidental introductions has
resulted in numerous problems including crop damage, transmission of disease, adverse impacts
to native species, and aircraft safety concerns. The estimated cost associated with alien bird
species in North America approaches $2 billion annually. Although many alien bird species
apparently cause minimal or no harm, others are considered persistent and destructive pest
species. The challenge for wildlife managers often is one of public opinion and education rather
than identifying effective management and control strategies. For many bird damage situations,
techniques currently exist for addressing the specific problem, and ongoing research is providing
new tools. Many times, however, the will of the public overrides the scientific and economic
need to manage aggressively to reduce detrimental alien bird populations. Specific examples of
this dilemma for wildlife managers are provided by case studies featuring monk parakeets
(Myiopsitta monachus), and mute swan.
Key words: alien species, introduction, invasive species, native species
Proceedings of the 11
Wildlife Damage
Management Conference. (D.L. Nolte, K.A.
Fagerstone, Eds). 2005
By some estimates, as many as 97
non-native bird species have self-sustaining
populations in the United States (Temple
1992). Many of these species are now
fixtures in the avifauna of the country. The
ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)
and gray partridge (Perdix perdix) are
widely hunted species. The European
starling (Sturnus vulgaris), rock pigeon
(Columba livia), and house sparrow (Passer
domesticus) regularly occur in large
numbers in urban and agricultural locales
throughout the country. Other species such
as the monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus)
in Florida, the red-crowned parrot (Amazona
viridigenalis) in California, and the Eurasian
tree sparrow (Passer montanus) in Missouri
are common locally but currently are
geographically restricted.
Application of consistent
nomenclature clarifies a non-native species’
origin and impact; we will apply definitions
from Executive Order 13112 “Invasive
Species” published in February 1999. An
“alien species” is a species not native to the
ecosystem under consideration. An
“invasive species” is an alien species whose
introduction is likely to cause harm
(emphasis added), either economically,
environmentally, or to human health. An
“introduction” is the placement of a species
into an ecosystem as a result of human
activity. A “native species” is one that
occurs in a particular ecosystem not as a
result of an introduction.
Thus, while all species mentioned in
the first paragraph are alien species, they
might not all be invasive species. It is not
clear what harm species such as the gray
partridge or the red-crowned parrot are
doing. Further, species that have exhibited
range expansions in recent time unaided by
human intervention are deemed native.
These include the cattle egret (Bubulcus
ibis), originally an Old World species that
reached South America from Africa and
then spread northward (Telfair 1994).
Breeding was recorded in Florida in 1953
(Kale and Maehr 1990) and cattle egrets are
now widely distributed throughout the US.
The shiny cowbird (Molothrus bonariensis)
arrived unaided to the Florida Keys in 1985
from the Caribbean, is now considered to be
a permanent resident in south Florida, and
continues to spread north and west (Lowther
and Post 1999).
Management of alien species should
focus on those considered invasive, that is
those whose presence is causing, or likely
will cause, harm. The major invasive bird
species that are of management concern in
the continental United States are the house
sparrow, rock pigeon, and European starling.
These species are so entrenched in their
adopted home that it seems unthinkable to
be without them. Their success is
attributable to their opportunistic nature and
ability to exploit human-altered
environments for food, roost sites, and
nesting. They exhibit basically a parasitic
lifestyle in that they exist on anthropogenic
resources and provide little if any benefit in
return. In commensal associations,
members of one species assist the foraging
of another, but incur no significant costs and
receive no benefits. These species,
however, generate substantial costs in a
number of areas and highlight the threats
from introduction of alien species.
Impacts to Native Species
Numerous examples exist of the
negative impact invasive species have on
native birds. European starlings compete
aggressively for nesting cavities, often to the
detriment of native birds (Kerpez and Smith
1990). Similarly, house sparrows will
supplant and even kill native species
attempting to use nest boxes (Gowaty 1984,
Radunzel et al. 1997). Mute swan adversely
affect habitat for native waterfowl species
and even displace colonial nesting
waterbirds (Conover and Kania 1994,
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
2003). In Hawaii, alien birds have
facilitated the spread of mosquito-borne
diseases that have decimated native bird
populations (Warner 1968).
Agricultural Damage
The European starling is known for
its propensity to damage fruit crops,
sprouted seeds, and livestock feedlots
(Dolbeer et al. 1978, Somers and Morris
2002). Ring-necked pheasant damage to
sprouting corn can be locally severe (Besser
and Knittle 1976).
Nuisance Roosts and Structural Damage
Starlings are major components of
winter blackbird roosts which are noisy,
smelly and generally not aesthetically
pleasing (Dolbeer et al. 1978, Mott 1980).
Urban house sparrows, starlings and rock
pigeons constantly foul structures and
property with droppings. Monk parakeets
offer unique challenges through their habit
of constructing large nests of sticks on
electric utility facilities (Avery et al. 2002,
Tillman et al. 2004). Wet nest material
causes short circuits which in turn damage
facilities and create economic losses for the
companies and their customers.
Human Health and Safety
Histoplasmosis is a serious
respiratory ailment caused by fungal spores
produced in excrement under large starling-
blackbird roosts (D'Alessio et al. 1965,
Stickley and Weeks 1985). This, however,
is just one of over 60 transmissible diseases
known to occur in starlings, house sparrows
and rock pigeons (Weber 1979). Fecal
contamination from these 3 species is a
major concern in food production and
storage facilities (Baur and Jackson 1982).
Since 1990, European starlings and rock
pigeons have been involved in
approximately 2000 aircraft strike incidents
that resulted in losses of approximately $4.5
million (Cleary et al. 2003).
Pimentel et al. (2000) estimated that
costs associated with invasive bird species,
principally pigeons and starlings, approach
$2 billion annually. Unfortunately, the
origin of this cost estimate is not very well
documented. Most of it is based on a cost of
$9/bird derived from a report on pigeon
control operations in Basel, Switzerland
(Haag-Wackernagel 1995). Regardless of
the exact monetary figure, it is obvious that
pigeons, starlings, house sparrows and other
alien bird species are responsible for
substantial costs due to a variety of impacts.
Although the European starling and the
house sparrow are among the most common
and most widespread breeding birds in the
US, each species has experienced a general
population decline since the 1960’s (Figure
1). The decline in house sparrow
populations in the US mirrors a similar trend
in the UK which has yet to be satisfactorily
explained (Duncan 1996, Summers-Smith
Wildlife professionals, facility
managers, and private citizens have
numerous tools and techniques with which
to combat the impacts of house sparrows,
starlings and pigeons (Hyngstrom et al.
1994). The list of visual, acoustic and
chemical methods will not be reviewed
again here. Instead we want to highlight 2
case studies of alien bird species that
represent different challenges for wildlife
Figure 1. Population trends of European
starling (EUST) and the house sparrow
(HOSP) throughout the USA as determined
by the Breeding Bird Survey, 1966-2004.
Data are from Sauer et al. 2005.
Mute Swan
This large, attractive Eurasian
species was released by private individuals
in New York prior to 1900, but there is no
record of when the initial introduction
actually occurred (Long 1981). The species
now occurs from Massachusetts south to
Virginia, as well as in Michigan, Oregon
and several other states. The population
trend for this species in the US, as judged by
the Breeding Bird Survey, has been steadily
upward (Figure 2; Sauer et al. 2005). The
recent trend in Maryland has been even
more dramatic (Figure 2). In Maryland, 5
birds escaped in 1962, and the population
now approaches 4,000 (Maryland
Department of Natural Resources 2003).
Figure 2. Population trends of the mute swan
throughout the USA and in Maryland as
determined by the Breeding Bird Survey,
1966-2004. Data are from Sauer et al. 2005.
Despite their aesthetic appeal, mute
swans pose a series of concerns (Maryland
Department of Natural Resources 2003).
They sometimes threaten or directly attack
people who get too close to their nest or
young. Aggressive behavior exhibited by
these large birds can pose a safety risk,
especially to small children. Mute swans
consume enormous quantities of submerged
aquatic vegetation. It is estimated that 4,000
mute swan could annually consume about
12% of the submerged aquatic vegetation
biomass in the Chesapeake Bay. Submerged
aquatic vegetation is critical to the health
and well being of a myriad of Bay
organisms. Grazing of this resource by mute
swans reduces the capacity of the remaining
submerged aquatic vegetation beds to
support wintering waterfowl and other fish
and wildlife populations. Mute swans
occupy and defend relatively large territories
of wetland habitat during nesting, brood
rearing and foraging, and thus compete with
native birds for habitat. They displace
native waterfowl from breeding and staging
habitats and have been reported to attack,
injure, or kill other wetland birds. Mute
swans can reach 1 m under water to graze
vegetation, and they are present year-round
unlike native tundra swans (Cygnus
columbianus) which overwinter in the
Chesapeake Bay. Thus, the mute swans’
impact on native submerged vegetation is
extensive, both temporally and spatially. In
the early 1990’s, 600-1,000 mute swans
established a loafing area on oyster shell
bars and beaches used as nesting sites by
black skimmers (Rynchops niger) and least
terns (Sterna antillarum). This resulted in
abandonment of the site by these threatened
waterbird species. The destabilizing effects
of mute swan on Chesapeake Bay plant and
animal communities place it in the category
of a “strongly interacting nonindigenous
species” and signals the need for prompt and
effective management actions (Heiman
2005, Soulé et al. 2005). In 2003, the
Maryland DNR initiated a program of mute
swan population control that included egg
addling and culling adults. This
management program barely got underway
before it was halted through a legal
challenge that resulted in a Federal court
ruling that declared the mute swan protected
under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act
(MBTA). This ruling, in turn, lead to the
passage of the Migratory Bird Treaty
Reform Act (MBTRA) of 2004. As a
consequence of the new legislation, the US
Fish and Wildlife Service published new
guidelines that specifically removed the
mute swan and dozens of other alien bird
species from Federal protection under the
MBTA. In the wake of these new
developments, the Maryland DNR planned
to resume a large-scale egg addling program
in April 2005. The mute swan management
program is again on hold, however, because
the Humane Society of the United States and
others recently challenged the MBTRA in
Federal court.
Monk Parakeet
This South American species has a
reputation for causing substantial crop
damage in its native range (Mott 1973).
Thus, in the early 1970’s when free-flying
parakeet populations started showing up in
greater and greater numbers, US wildlife
and agriculture officials became alarmed at
the potential crop damage that could occur
here. In response to that concern, a parakeet
eradication effort was initiated in 1973
under the direction of the US Fish and
Wildlife Service (Neidermyer and Hickey
1977). The 3-year effort resulted in 163
parakeets being killed, mostly by shooting.
Since then, the nationwide population has
grown exponentially (van Bael and Pruett-
Jones 1996).
Although monk parakeets do cause
some local crop damage (Tillman et al.
2001), in the US, no widespread agricultural
impacts have yet emerged. Instead, the
parakeets have become problems for the
electric utility industry because of their habit
of constructing large nests of sticks and
branches on utility poles, transmission line
support towers, and electric substations
(Avery et al. 2002). Wet nest material then
causes short circuits and power outages.
Research to alleviate this problem is
ongoing. To date, trapping birds at their
nest followed by removal of the nest is the
most effective technique for coping with
localized problem nests on a short-term
basis (Tillman et al. 2004). Application of a
hand-held red laser is an effective scare
tactic to dislodge parakeets temporarily from
their nest sites. Despite repeated use of the
laser, however, the birds do not stay away
(Avery et al. 2002).
Figure 3. Population trend of the monk
parakeet throughout the USA as determined
by data from the Christmas Bird Count,
1975-2003. Values for the graph were
obtained online at:
Ultimately some form of population
reduction will probably have to be
implemented to slow the expansion of the
species because parakeet populations show
no sign of leveling off (Figure 3) (van Bael
and Pruett-Jones 1996). Factors that limit
many bird populations such as predation,
food, and availability of nest sites are not
operative because of the parakeet’s ability to
exploit the abundance of resources provided
by humans. This suggests that current
problems will only get worse without
intervention. Lethal control is unpopular,
however, as many people enjoy the sight of
these birds at their backyard feeders or in
community parks (Spreyer 1994). An
alternative that might prove feasible is the
application of a chemosterilant that would
reduce reproductive output but not kill the
birds (Avery et al. 2005).
For the most part, current methods
are adequate to address problems attributed
to invasive bird species. The major issue is
that wildlife managers are often not free to
apply the most effective techniques to solve
problems caused by invasive species. The
constraint is particularly prominent in
situations that involve lethal control
measures. Public attitudes which often
become manifested in actual or implied legal
challenges or lawsuits can seriously delay or
even prevent implementation of the most
appropriate management actions. Concerted
public education efforts can sometimes
overcome attitudes against management of
wildlife populations, and such efforts are
certainly desirable when lethal control
measures are contemplated. Effective
education presupposes that adequate
scientific data exist upon which to base a
sound management program. If such data
are not available then attempts to justify a
proposed plan that involves population
reduction will likely fail. It will be important
to have reliable information on the status of
the population targeted for reduction as well
as thorough documentation of the adverse
impacts the birds are having.
A contrary view is offered by
Simberloff (2003) who argues for swift and
decisive action to eradicate invasives before
they become major problems. This “quick
and dirty” strategy is necessary because
during the time that biologists and wildlife
managers amass data on the population and
the effects it is having, the animals multiply
or disperse and the problems become harder
to address successfully. While this approach
might be possible when incipient invasive
populations are small and isolated, it has
limited utility for control of established
invasive populations. In addition,
Simberloff does not consider the role that
public opinion would play in
implementation of his strategy. A “quick
and dirty” response, unless conducted
surreptitiously, is likely to attract attention.
If the proper groundwork for the operation
has not been laid, subsequent public reaction
will likely be negative which will
complicate more comprehensive
management efforts. More stringent laws
and beefed-up enforcement of existing
regulations are necessary to preventing
establishment of new invasive bird
For managing existing invasive bird
populations, increased public appreciation of
the need for effective control measures is
necessary. This can best be achieved
through science-based public awareness and
education programs (Temple 1992).
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... Other serious invasive bird problems are of a more localised nature, such as mute swans Cygnus olor in several northeastern states. They pose human safety concerns because of their aggressive behaviour and they compete with native bird species (Avery and Tillman, 2005). Populations of monk parakeets have become established in several states where they cause power outages by nesting in transformers (Avery and Tillman, 2005). ...
... They pose human safety concerns because of their aggressive behaviour and they compete with native bird species (Avery and Tillman, 2005). Populations of monk parakeets have become established in several states where they cause power outages by nesting in transformers (Avery and Tillman, 2005). They also pose a significant threat of crop damage if populations become sizeable in agricultural areas. ...
... Additionally, there are state and federal regulations (e.g., Migratory Bird Treaty Act) protecting many bird species. Methods used to manage invasive bird populations include traps (with or without live bird decoys), shooting, exclusion, and limited use of toxicants (Starlicide [also known as " DRC 1339 " from Denver Research Center compound 1339]; Avery and Tillman, 2005; Millet et al., 2004; Pitt and Witmer, 2007; Witmer and Lewis, 2001). Additionally, egg and nest destruction is sometimes used and frightening devices are often used to protect relatively small areas. ...
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At least 1,065 introduced vertebrate species have been introduced in the United States and its territories, including at least 86 mammalian, 127 avian, 179 reptilian/amphibian, and 673 fish species. Examples in each major taxonomic group include domestic cat, small Indian mongoose, red fox, goat, pig, rabbit, rats, house mouse, gray squirrel, nutria, starling, Indian common myna, red-vented bulbul, brown treesnake, red-eared slider, brown trout, tilapia, and grass carp. We briefly review some of these species and the types of damage they cause. We then review the basic types of methods used for control or eradication of each taxonomic group, including physical, chemical, biological, and cultural methods. We discuss some of the challenges in managing these species, including issues with the use of toxicants, land access, public attitudes, and monitoring difficulties. Finally, we list some ongoing research and future research needs, including improved detection methods, improved attractants, improved barriers, improved capture methods, fertility control, and risk assessment methods [Current Zoology 57 (): – , 2011].
... doi: bioRxiv preprint first posted online Feb. 14, 2018; 2008; Lambert et al., 2010), and 3) culling (lethal). However, control efforts, especially lethal ones, may be hindered by members of the public, who usually protest these actions as parrots have a high aesthetic value (Avery & Tillman, 2005). ...
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Introduced psittacine birds can become highly invasive. In this study, we assessed invasions of Psittaciformes in Puerto Rico. We reviewed the literature, public databases, citizen science records, and performed in situ population surveys across the island to determine the historical and current status and distribution of psittacine species. We used count data from Ebird to determine population trends. For species whose populations were increasing, we modelled their potential distribution using niche modeling techniques. We found 46 Psittaciformes in Puerto Rico, of which 26% are only present as pets, at least 29 species have been reported in the wild, and of those, there is evidence that at least 12 species are breeding. Our results indicate that most introduced species which have been detected as established still persist, although mostly in localized areas and small populations. Clear evidence of invasiveness was found for Brotogeris versicolurus and Myiopsitta monachus, which have greatly expanded their range in recent years. Psittacara erythrogenys and Eupsittacula canicularis also showed population increases, although to a lesser degree. The niche models predicted suitable areas for the four species, and also indicate the potential for range expansion. We discuss the factors leading to invasion success, assess the potential impacts, and we discuss possible management strategies and research prospects.
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Context Urbanization fragments and destroys natural landscapes, generally decreasing bird diversity. While in some cases bird diversity continuously decreases in response to urbanization, in others a non-linear response is evident, with peak bird diversity observed at intermediate levels of urbanization. But many studies previously investigating this pattern are spatially or temporally constrained. Objectives In this study, we analyzed the impacts of urbanization on bird diversity, stratified to native and exotic species. We specifically investigated the differences in bird diversity between natural and urban green areas. Methods We used eBird citizen science data (> 4,000,000 bird-survey lists) and remotely-sensed landcover data, throughout the contiguous United States of America. Results We found a non-linear response to urbanization for both species richness and Shannon diversity. There was distinctly greater bird richness and Shannon diversity in urban green areas compared to natural green areas. Our observed response is likely explained by an increase in habitat heterogeneity of urban green areas compared with natural green areas. Conclusions Our work highlights the importance of diverse urban green areas for supporting bird diversity in urban areas. We recommend that urban planning should focus on maintaining high habitat heterogeneity in urban green areas to promote greater bird diversity.
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Introduced psittacine birds can become highly invasive. In this study, we assessed invasions of Psittaciformes in Puerto Rico. We reviewed the literature, public databases, citizen science records, and performed in situ population surveys across the island to determine the historical and current status and distribution of psittacine species. We used count data from Ebird to determine population trends. For species whose populations were increasing, we modelled their potential distribution using niche modeling techniques. We found 46 Psittaciformes in Puerto Rico, of which 26% are only present as pets, at least 29 species have been reported in the wild, and of those, there is evidence that at least 12 species are breeding. Our results indicate that most introduced species which have been detected as established still persist, although mostly in localized areas and small populations. Clear evidence of invasiveness was found for Brotogeris versicolurus and Myiopsitta monachus, which have greatly expanded their range in recent years. Psittacara erythrogenys and Eupsittacula canicularis also showed population increases, although to a lesser degree. The niche models predicted suitable areas for the four species, and also indicate the potential for range expansion. We discuss the factors leading to invasion success, assess the potential impacts, and we discuss possible management strategies and research prospects.
More than 16% of parrot species (Aves Psittaciformes) of the world have currently established at least one breeding population outside their natural distribution ranges. Though including the most introduced bird species all over the world, their interactions on native biodiversity and environments are still poorly known. In this paper, we summarize current knowledge about impacts of introduced Psittaciformes and we identify possible gaps to be filled with future researches. Breeding sites requirements of alien parrots, e.g. trunk cavities, indicate potential routes of direct and indirect competition with native hole-nesting bird species. Interactions with arboreal rodents, bats and insects are poorly documented, but appear to be limited. Psittaciformes potentially affect economy and human wellness, being responsible for damage to crops and to electrical infrastructures. Association with noise pollution has been also suggested, as many alien populations breed in urban parks or close to human settlements. Psittaciformes are potential reservoirs of Chlamydophila psittaci, the etiological agent of human psittacosis, and other diseases transmittable to humans and wildlife. Less is known about impact on native flora as well as on ecosystem functions. Predictive research and information of ecosystem recovery after parrots removal are scarce too, as eradication programs are often obstacled by the emotional affiliation linked to these birds.
Histoplasmosis is a common and sometimes serious fungal disease that primarily affects the lungs, but can also involve other parts of the human body. The disease is characterized by 3 major forms: acute pulmonary, chronic cavitary, and disseminated histoplasmos is. Two fungicides are effective in treatment of the disease, but serious side effects often result. The occurrence of the fungus, Histoplasma capsulatum, is associated with large quantities of bird and bat excreta that have come in contact with soil. Roost sites must generally be occupied by birds for at least 3 years before soil conditions are conducive to its growth. Once established, the fungus remains for years, but its development can be prevented by bird dispersal and lethal bird control techniques. Infested sites may, with difficulty, be decontaminated using formal in.
Annual variation in the breeding success of Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) nesting in five types of cavities was assessed over 27 yr near Green Bay, Wisconsin. We found slight but statistically significant variation in clutch size, the fraction of young hatched, banded, and surviving from hatching to banding, and the percentage of banded young that returned to the study population. Breeding success was significantly greater in Open Top than in Standard boxes for all measures except return rate. Success improved slightly over the course of the study in Standard boxes, probably because of gradual improvements in box design. Total nest failure was the main factor influencing nesting success, and House Wrens (Troglodytes aedon), House Sparrows (Passer domesticus), cats (Felis domesticus), and raccoons (Procyon lotor) were the major causes. Total nest failure was significantly lower in Open Top boxes than in Standard boxes, probably because sparrows and wrens prefer cavities with closed tops. As a result, where these two box types are used together and sparrows and wrens are common, bluebirds are probably being produced at lower rates than could be obtained if only Open Top boxes were employed.
The House Sparrow Passer domesticus population in Britain suffered a major decline in the 1920s, particularly in built-up areas, which coincided with the replacement of the horse by the internal combustion engine. The mixed fortunes of House Sparrows since then are examined, emphasising that factors operating on farmland populations differ from those in towns and cities. Farmland sparrows decreased by about 60% between 1979 and 1995, but then stabilised at a new, lower level; this decline is attributed to changes in agricultural practices. The situation with sparrows in built-up areas is much more complex, with a gradual decline until about 1990. Since then, a massive decrease has led to almost complete extinction in some urban centres, while in the suburbs and small rural towns, sparrows have decreased little, if at all. Some speculative ideas are put forward to account for the situation in built-up areas.
European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) have recently invaded Arizona and breed in some areas but not in similar areas nearby. In Arizona, European Starlings commonly nest in cavities in saguaro cacti (Carnegiea gigantea) but do not excavate these cavities. To examine whether European Starlings compete with native woodpeckers for nest cavities in saguaros, we studied Gila Woodpeckers (Melanerpes uropygialis) and Northern Flickers (Colaptes auratus) in areas with European Starlings and in similar, nearby areas with no European Starlings. We determined which factors explained the variation in the number of nests of each species present on fifteen 10-ha plots. We also compared the location and dimensions of nest cavities used by each species to determine whether European Starlings use Gila Woodpecker nest cavities, Northern Flicker nest cavities, or both. We found that European Starlings compete with Gila Woodpeckers but not with Northern Flickers. This competition decreases the number of Gila Woodpeckers that nest in areas where European Starlings nest. European Starlings used Gila Woodpecker nest cavities, and there was a negative relationship between the number of European Starling nests and the number of Gila woodpecker nests that explained 46.7% of the variation in the number of Gila Woodpecker nests on the plots. European Starlings did not use Northern Flicker nest cavities, and we found no relationship between the number of European Starling nests and the number of Northern Flicker nests. In addition, the number of Gila Woodpecker nests was positively related to the number of large saguaros and negatively related to the slope of the plot. The number of Northern Flicker nests was positively related to the volume of ironwood (Olneya tesota). The number of European Starling nests was negatively related to the distance to agriculture and large lawns.